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Ivan Gonzalez-Soto

Interdisciplinary Humanities graduate student Ivan Gonzalez-Soto
Professional Title: 
Graduate Advisor: Mario Sifuentez

B.A. Environmental Studies, Humboldt State University

A.A. Math & Science, Imperial Valley College

Research Interests: 

Environmental & Labor History; Agrarian Capitalism; Water in the American West; U.S.-Mexico Borderlands

Ivan is a graduate student in the Interdisciplinary Humanities Graduate Group at the University of California, Merced. His research bridges critical race and ethnic studies, history, and environmental studies to analyze the production of racialized labor and technological domination over nature in twentieth-century California’s Imperial Valley. Ivan's work explores how the Imperial Valley shapes and is shaped by an expanse of water systems, agricultural production, carceral economies, and renewable energy farms between the 1940s and early 2000s. He works under the guidance of Professor Sifuentez.