IHGG emerges from the World Cultures Graduate Group, which admitted students between 2005 and 2014. This list includes graduates of both programs.
M.A. Alumni
Lucia Vazquez (2009), Martin-Rodriguez; Thesis: Chicas' Lit: Today's Young Adult Latina Literature
Salvador Contreras Cornejo (2009), DeLugan; Thesis: Adventure capitalists in "Maya Town": ethnographic insights on transnational social networks and migration from the de-territorialized state of Yucatan to San Francisco, California
Letha Goger (2009), Mostern; Thesis:
Justine Issavi (2011), Forte; Thesis:
Llonel Onsurez (2011), Forte; Thesis: The history and use of aerial and space-based remote sensing and ground based terrestrial laser scanning in archaeology
Roselia Ekhause (2012), Ricci; Thesis: Literatura Marroquí Escrita en Catalán y Castellano
Carl Ponzio (2013), Martin-Rodriguez; Thesis: Reading (for) Magical Gaps: The Novice Reader's Aesthetic Response to Magical Realism
Alma Renteria (2013), Martin-Rodriguez
Christine Grimaldi Clarkson (2014), Hull; Thesis: Rock Art, Ritual, and the Cosmos: A Landscape Investigation of CA-MRP-402
Erin Ray (2017)
Nicholas Bourgeois (2017)
Anna Gurevitz (2017)
Auguste Kouadio (2017)
Rocco Bowman (2017)
Shadab Tabatabaeian (2018)
Violet Barton (2018)
Sage Love (2018)
Daniel Rios (2018)
Bianca Negrete Coba (2019)
Jasmine Armstrong (2019)
Cristina Gomez (2019)
Garima Panwar (2019)
Sven Sulzmann (2019)
Adam Fleenor (2019)
Scott Nicolay (2019)
Neama Alamri (2019)
Jennifer Zamora (2019)
Kuan-ying Kuo (2019)
Marilee Shaw (2019)
Jamin Shih (2019)
Brian Glubok (2020)
Lorraine Ramos (2020)
Manuel Duenas-Garcia (2020)
Anais Guillem (2020)
Ahmed Correa Alvarez (2020)
Mirko De Tomassi (2021)
Angelica Garcia (2021)
Andrew Sanchez Garcia (2021)
Cristyna Galarza (2021)
David Snyder (2021)
Jamie Moore (2022)
Shiloh Soto (2022)
Iván González-Soto (2022)
Tabesh Zaidi (2022)
Ekta Kandhway (2022)
Ph.D. Alumni
Trevor Albertson (2009), Herken; Dissertation: The Face of War: Curtis LeMay and America in the Cold War, 1945-1957
Richard Ravalli (2009), Herken; Dissertation: Soft gold and the Pacific frontier: geopolitics and environment in the sea otter trade
Raymond Winter (2010), Goggans; Dissertation: The California Dream: a dangerous social and environmental myth protested by John Muir and John Steinbeck
Maria Teresa Rinaldi (2013), Lopez-Calvo; Dissertation: Soles de oriente en Latinoamérica: Producción cultural Nikkei en Brasil y Argentina
Bradford Johnston (2013), Malloy; Ronald Reagan's Race to Space: American Atomic Diplomacy and SDI in the Age of Reykjavik
Carlos Bazua Morales (2013), Rebhun; Dissertation: Extending the Roads for Survival: An Ethnography of the Ongoing Maya Diaspora
Marco Valesi (2014), Lopez-Calvo; Dissertation: Clean Wall, Voiceless People: Exploring Socio-Identitarian Processes through Street-Urban Art as Literature
Fabrizio Galeazzi (2014), Aldenderfer; Dissertation: Redefining Digital Archaeology: New Methodologies for 3D Documentation and Preservation of Cultural Heritage
Beth Hernandez-Jason (2014), Martin-Rodriguez; Dissertation: The Act of Reading John Rechy: Transnational Intertexts and Readers
Paola Di Giuseppantonio Di Franco (2014), Aldenderfer and Hull; Dissertation: Talking About Things: A Cognitive Approach to Digital Heritage and Material Culture Studies in Archaeology
Alicia Ramos Jordan (2014), Martin-Rodriguez; Dissertation: Conspiradoras in the Contact Zone: Escritoras chicanas y su obra en español hacia una literatura menor
Gayle Yamada (2015), G. Camfield; Dissertation: Rising Power? Latinos in California
Micahel Eissinger (2017)
Marieka Arksey (2017)
Trevor Jackson (2018)
Patrick Wilkinson (2019)
Dorie Perez (2019)
Michael Barba (2019)
Kim McMillon (2019)
Neama Alamri (2020)
Jamin Shih (2020)
Rhea Riegel (2020)
Amrit Deol (2021)
Adam Fleenor (2021)
Hannah Maulden (2022)
Kuan-ying Kuo (2022)
Rocco Bowman (2022)
Manuel Duenas-Garcia (2022)
Ahmed Correa Alvarez (2022)
Violet Barton (2023), Lopez-Calvo; Dissertation: Nican Nawa-Pipil: Poetic Embodiments of Te Miki Tay Tupal
Danielle Bermudez (2023), Lopez-Calvo; Dissertation: Remembering Ethnocide: Social Imaginaries of State Violence
Mabel Bowser (2023), Lopez-Calvo; Dissertation: (Re)construcción identitaria y descolonizadora: Producción Cultural Indígena en Colombia desde mediados del S. XX
Alyson Caine (2023), Torres; Dissertation: Living at the Intersections at Lisht
Ahmed Correa Alvarez (2023), DeLugan; Dissertation: Cuba and the Intimacy of Border: Toward an Archipelagic Imagination
Christopher Caskey (2023), Rouff; Dissertation: Building the Wilderness: Power, Water and Recreation in the Central Sierra Nevada Mountains
Hugo A Lopez-Chavolla (2024), Lopez-Calvo; Dissertation: Migrant Feelings: The Affective Roots of Arab Latin American Identities and Cultural Production
Angelica Garcia (2023), Rouff; Dissertation: Steel, Brick, and Black Gold: A History of Colorado’s Built Environment, 1880-1920
Laura Gomez (2023), Sifuentez; Dissertation: “American Homes for American Families: Race and the Family in California’s Labor Camps
Ekta Kandhway (2023), Lopez-Calvo; Dissertation: Decolonial and Ecocritical Crossroads in Contemporary Andean Narratives
Gina Palefsy (2023) Torres; Dissertation: Embodied Boundaries: A Bioarchaeological Approach to Foodways and Community Organization in Metal Age Central Thailand
Ivan Gonzalez Soto (2024), Sifuentez; Dissertation:
Graham Goodwin (2024), Moyes; Dissertation:
Shiloh Green Soto (2024), David Rouff; Dissertation: Livingston Centennial: A Guide to the History of Livingston, CA 1922-2022
Amanda Caterina Leong (2024), Quinn; Dissertation:
Jamie Moore (2024), Zanzucchi; Dissertation: Visionary Daughters of Academia: The Care/Work of Black and Black Biracial Women Faculty in California Community Colleges
Lorraine Ramos (2024), Magaña; Dissertation: Heritage Language Speakers’ Conceptual Metaphor Use Through Genres in Spanish and English
Andrew A. Sanchez-Garcia (2024), Rouff; Dissertation: The Good, the Bad, & The Fortified: How the Complex Relationship between Military Bases and Mexican Americans Shaped the Southwest, 1942-1975
Joshua Semerjian (2024), DeLugan; Dissertation: Activating Aspirational Awakening: A Youth Media Way to Right Thinking
Tabesh Zaidi (2024), Malloy; Dissertation: Nuclear Waste: Policies, Risks, and Economic Benefits on the State of Idaho
Updated 9-8-2024