Professional Title:
Graduate Advisor: Ma Vang
Research Interests:
Yang's research interests include performance intervention, queer of color critique, critical refugee studies, Hmong shaman episteme and ontology, Otherness, diaspora, affect, refusal, and futurity.
May Yang is an artist and scholar who publishes under the nom de plum hauntie. Yang’s debut collection, To Whitey and the Cracker Jack (Anhinga Press, 2017), was selected by Evie Shockley for the 2016 Robert-Dana Anhinga Poetry Prize. Their work has appeared in the Academy of American Poets, Poetry Moves (Ethos Books Press, 2020), and the Journal of Southeast Asian American Education and Advancement. As a graduate research fellow they are working at the intersection of Critical Race and Ethnic Studies and Critical Refugee Studies. Their research centers the ways in which Hmong artistic practices provide a method and praxis for generating Hmong onto-epistemologies with the potential to upend colonial and imperial powers.